Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a newcomer, here you can find the answers to your acute questions!

How to sign up for the Tourist Club?
To sign up for the Tourist Club, you should come on any Tuesday at 19:00 at our meetings in MIEM HSE and fill in a form, which can be obtained from the managers of the Club.
Their photos and contacts, as well as the location of the lectures you can find here:

Are there any restrictions to entry the Tourist Club?
Our Tourist Club works with adult tourists, so you must be at least 17-18 years (i.e. graduate school). This limitation is caused by the difference between the requirements of children’s and adult tourism (primarily in terms of safety).
No age, gender and other restrictions.
We are glad to see everyone!

Is it necessarily to be a MIEM HSE student for entry the Tourist Club?
No, it is not necessarily.
The Tourist Club is created for mass development of amateur tourism among students, postgraduates and professors of MIEM HSE, but is also opened for EVERYONE!

What kinds of tourism does the Tourist Club specialize?
The main direction of our Club is hiking. However, we also arrange rafting ,ski, mountain and weekend trips. Besides, we participate in tourist all-around competitions (TM) and orienteering.

What is the difference between hiking and mountain trekking?
In fact, the distinction between schools (hiking/mountain) in the last 20 years is only  pure formality.
Formally, we have hiking school, but go to the mountains as well. At the same time, if you are interested in hiking without snow and high peaks, we have the ones too.

What is “The School”?
Every year we organize the School of tourism for beginners and/or tourists wishing to improve their experience.
Such Schools are usually held from February to June, or from February to September.
Every Tuesday the thematic lectures are read and after it we work in groups: seminars, practical indoor classes (knots, working with maps, medicine, etc).
At weekends we conduct the trainings on nature (1-3 times per month in the near suburbs and in the parks of Moscow).
At the end of the School, the participants go to the training tour of the first (simplest) complexity category at the beginning of May or in July.
After returning from a tour all the participants take an exam where the results of «students» knowledge are checked.
School is an event quite official and after successful participation in examination tour and the exam you will receive a diploma stating that you have become an appropriate tourist training!
And only in the summer you can attend a more complex hiking tour of the second category.

Does one have to pay for the classes?
No, the classes are absolutely free!
But you should keep in mind that you have to buy (to get from friends) personal equipment, such as backpack, camping mat and sleeping bag, and in the future the special mountain equipment – an ice-axe, crampons, helmet, carabineers, and so on.
There is a small stock of public equipment in our Club — tents, gas burners, ropes. So, to buy all at once is not necessarily.
Equipment tends to deteriorate, so we pick up a small fee for its repair, and update every six months. But such charges for beginners do not apply.
In any case, the Club is great and you can always find equipment for the hiking tour, so the financial difficulties should not be an obstacle for hiking!

Is it necessarily to attend the School before going in hiking tour?
No, not necessarily. Beside the school groups you can also sign up for one of the sports teams of the Club. Sport groups also conduct pre-hiking trainings in spring. School lectures and classes you can attend without registration in School.
All necessary information about the leaders who are planning trips this season, can be found on our website

I  finish school/work late in the evening and have no time for lectures. But nevertheless, I want to engage in the School. What should I do?
In any case, this question is solved individually with each participant. If the reason, you are unable to attend lectures, is really serious, we try to arrange this situation; lectures can be found on our website, in tourist literature or you can borrow them from your friends.
In any case, passing of all tests, standards, and trainings are obligatory!
For sports groups participants the attendance of lectures is to discretion of the leader, but participation in trainings, as a rule, is also strictly required.

Can I attend classes (lectures and so on), and then not go to the hiking tour?
Yes, of course. Just you should warn us about it. In such case, you won’t become any inquiries and you won’t take an exam, but knowledge which you obtain at the School will be useful for you and someday you will go to hiking tour with us.

If I sign up in one tourist group, can I move then to another?
Yes, you can. But preferably not just before the tour, and, of course, with the consent of both team leaders.


It is far ahead before the School classes, is it possible to do in the Club now?
Yes, you can come to all our events already now.
For example, to the annual meeting of members of the Club, video party, trainings or to various trips to the suburbs of Moscow.

It is still far ahead before summer, what else can I do in the Club except hiking?
There are several directions in our Club:
To improve your athletic form, you can take part in various competitions at hiking and mountaineering technique, orienteering, search and rescue operations.
Information for impending events and trainings can be found on our website
Or learn from Zhenya Yarovitchuk (Женя Яровитчук)
PVD (weekend trips)
Trekking, skiing, cycling, boating tours, as well as, trips to the caves of the suburbs of Moscow and surrounding areas  for a day, weekend or holidays. In the framework of one-day-hiking tour, you will improve your athletic form and will acquire basic travel skills: making fire, installing tents, the main concepts of orienteering.
Information about PVD (weekend trips) you can find on our website:
Or learn from Oleg Petrov (Олег Петров):
In addition, you can always find a cheerful company for a trip to the climbing wall, cinema, roller skating and similar activities.
If you have any questions for us, please write to: We sure answer them.
If you have something to inform, or you want to invite someone, write on our forum: